ФАУСТ в София

2-17 октомри
Правейки паралел между Хамбург, Лайпциг и София, се опитваме да предствим и поставим въпросът-Как можем да съберем две галерии, да нахлуем
в София и да отразим немската поезия?
Ще бъде Фауст!

ФАУСТ отразява един истински феномен на културно осъзнаване.Култ.
Интереса ни е не толкова да представим един нов прочит, а събиране на нов по-различен материял около този култ. Каним Ви да споделите нашия работен
процес,посредством всички визуални изкуства-изложба, видео, перформанси съпътстващите ги изледвания и дискусии.

Place: Atelie Plasteline 05.11.11 – 18.11.11
05.11.11, 19:00 Opening: Presentation, drinks
09.11.11 – 13.11.11, 16:00 to 21:00 Exhibition, open working process
17.11.11, 19:00 Performance, drinks
18.11.11, 19:00 Performance, discussion, move to Gallery Hip Hip
Gallery Hip Hip 18.11.11 – 26.11.11
18.11.11, 22:00 enter the space and turn on the lights, drinks
20.11.11 – 27.11.11, 16:00 to 21:00 Exhibition, open working process
26.11.11, 21:00 Final performance
Alexander Bauer, Jasmin Jerat, Chris Herzog, Lisa Schwalb, Alma Wellner Bou,
to be continued.
Between Hamburg and Leipzig we are coming to Sofia to collect and produce
material around the work „Faust“ (Goethe).
What does it mean to enter Sofia and occupy two galleries with this specific
german piece of poetry?
Faust is the name.
Faust represents a phenomenon of cultural identification, you could call it a
cult. We are not interested in recreating a new interpretation of the drama but
we would like to open the work for new associations and collect a
heterogeneous material around the phenomenon. We want to question the
work with a sensual interest using it as a projection screen.
We want to invite you to our working process, which is at the same time an
exhibition, production, performance, research and discussion space.
(For more information: www.ongoing-project.org)

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